
Talk to us about recycling systems and your company’s needs regarding recycling sytems and a more sustainable workday for your employees. If you’re in Røros, please come visit us is our premises at Øverhagaen 6 in Røros. We will gladly give you a tour in our factory as well.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8 am – 4 pm

salgssjef stig frode

Stig Frode Berge

Sales manager


Mobil: +47 911 68 002

markedsansvarlig may kristin

May Kristin Knutsen

Marketing manager


Mobil: +47 404 04 269

kundeservice kristin

Kristin Sandkjernan

Customer services and sale


Mobil: +47 976 93 303

økonomi haldis

Haldis Stenvold

Economy and sale


Mobil: +47 454 41 251

teamleder lakk og montering joakim

Joakim Strid

Team leader paint and assembly / IT and purchase


Mobil: +47 454 64 007

teamleder plate og deletilvirkning Kurt Ove

Kurt Ove Holden

Team leader flat solid and component manufacturing


Mobil: +47 913 39 47

Beate Schjølberg

Digital marketing


Mobil: +47 994 85 684

ansattbilde av andrea gjelsten mortensen

Andrea Gjelsten Mortensen

Drafting technician


Mobil: +47 979 42 355

ansattbilde jan ove modell

Jan Ove Modell

Draftsman and technician


Mobil: +47 905 42 973

anonym person. grafikk

Are you our new coworker?

We’re allways interested in new people in our business, and we would like to hear from you.

Read more about our vacancies